Hull City Centre Vision will support and guide regeneration in Hullcity centre over the next 20 years.

It will:

  • Help the city meet carbon reduction targets

  • Identify sites for redevelopment

  • Attract new investment to the city

  • Explore how areas on the edge of the city could be used better

  • Inform the update of the Local Plan later this year

We want to hear from you about how the city can grow and thrive over the next two decades. Keep reading to find out how you can get involved and help shape Hull’s future.

Meet the team

Hull City Council – Hull City Council commissioned the City Centre Vision using funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)

Planit – Planit are an urban design practice who specialise in regenerating for the future through an understanding of context, people, place and potential.

Greengage – Greengage are leaders in sustainability and biodiversity. Their innovative and collaborative approach helps deliver schemes that are resilient to climate change and create places where people, business and nature can all thrive.

Yemetech - Yemetech are a dynamic technology company that harnesses the power of innovation to create positive social change. Leveraging technology as a catalyst for building stronger communities, Yemetech use data to foster connections, and drive meaningful impact in the world.

ShedKM – ShedKM are a team of socially responsive architects who have worked on regeneration project around the UK. Their work is rooted in regeneration and their approach delivers bold, engaging, economically and socially transformative schemes.

Counter Context – Counter Context are a communications, PR and public affairs agency. specialising in public engagement. They work with local government and private sector clients around the UK to build trust and understanding between local government, developers and communities.

Deloitte - Deloitte bring a wealth of expertise in both the planning and delivery of major urban regeneration schemes. Working around the world, they focus on boosting equity, sustainability, and shared prosperity in the communities they work with.


Hull City Centre Vision will help guide investment, regeneration and change in Hull City Centre over the next 20 years. It will focus on the following goals for the city centre:

Liveable City

» More opportunities to live in and near the city centre

» Creating healthy and active neighbourhoods with easy access to work, shopping, healthcare and leisure

» New places for people to meet and socialise, and new community facilities

» Making it easier to move into, out of, and around the city centre

Productive City

» Bringing new jobs, skills and training to the city

» Ensuring that the ‘green economy’ brings high quality jobs and opportunities to Hull

» Building on Hull’s reputation as a ‘city of makers’ to create new creative innovation spaces across the city centre

» Increasing the presence of the green industries in the city centre

Child-Friendly City

» Creating playful public spaces

» Create a sensory city centre with creative use of colour, planting and sound

» Ensuring a wide variety of play and active leisure options for all ages

» Improving perceptions of safety and security across the city centre

Resilient City

» Supporting Hull to become a leader in climate change resilience

» Encouraging innovative and creative responses to climate change and water management

» Investing in visible drainage solutions to raise awareness of the importance of water management

» Re-using and retrofitting old buildings to reduce embodied carbon and promote environmentally friendly construction

Distinctive City

» Celebrating the city’s maritime heritage

» Protecting and enhancing Hull’s unique architecture

» Delivering bold new interventions to support a changing city centre

» Ensuring that both locals and visitors can find their way around and enjoy Hull’s unique city centre

Healthy City

» Improving the amount and quality of Hull’s green spaces, and using the river fronts to create new opportunities to connect with nature

» Promoting active travel and providing more activities for all ages to stay healthy and build community

» Supporting community-led clubs and activities that build social connection and a sense of belonging

» Retrofitting older buildings to meet modern standards

Creative City

» Embracing Hull’s independent spirit with community-led initiatives

» Providing affordable creative spaces to build new talent

» Creating opportunities to showcase creative talent in the city’s public spaces.

» Building on the legacy of City of Culture 2017 to reinforce Hull’s position as a leader in the UK’s cultural scene

Get Involved

Have your say before 16th March to help shape the future of Hull City Centre. Once you’ve read all the information linked above, you can click the link below to fill out our questionnaire, come along to one of our drop-in events, or get in touch using the details below


Come along and meet the project team. We’re hosting three events in February where you can meet the team, ask any questions and have your say. Find us at Princes Quay, unit G42 (next to Claire’s) at the following times:

Saturday 8th February – 10am – 4pm

Tuesday 11th February – 4pm -7pm

Wednesday 12th February – 1pm – 4pm

Get in Touch

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